Wednesday, March 23, 2011

4 ways to get off your butt

Negative energy is like deadly virus outbreak to destroy the human race.  You're probably infected by it without realizing it.  Are you tired of routine?  Are you not where you want to be?  Is this what you imagine life to be?  Can you do better?  These are all symptoms of negativity of doubt.  It is so easy to complain.  All I am saying is that it is very easy for us to sink into negative mode.  This is how I get back on track, by going back to these basics.

What do you find easy and puts a smile on your face?
Seems simple but these two go hand in hand, this is how you find your passion.  If you enjoy what  you're doing and you can do it flawlessly, you naturally take pride in it and it shows.  Fun leads to happiness and being happy means you find fulfillment. It comes down to the basics and the rest will follow.  Once you find out what you love to do, you don't ever have to work a day in your life.

Keep those you love and those who inspires you near
We all could use some affection and by being around people who makes us feel good and want to better ourselves, is one of the easiest ways to pick ourselves back up.  Either way, we want to make ourselves feel better.  Being in a relationship with people who are successful motivates you to follow the pack.  We are always looking for leadership and inspiration and keep your circle with these people makes it easy to expect the best for yourself.  Take care of yourself, emotionally, physically and spiritually is the fundamental of centering yourself.  And if you're center, naturally people want to draw that energy from you as well.   

Create a vision board or wish list
Now more than ever we are keen on multi-tasking and the best way to collect our thoughts is creating a wish list or vision board.   It's a reminder when we get side track in our busy world that we have a reference.  Whether you need pretty and inspiring pictures or eloquently written words, they both are great daily recalls of what we need to focus on to achieve our dreams and desire. 

Just do it
Like Lao Tzu quoted,  "a journey of thousands miles begins with one step."  Each night, before you go to bed, make a list of things you need to do the next day.  Identify two most important things that you have to do each day and...just do it.  I guarantee the minute you start doing it, you will look back and say, what was I waiting for?  I should have got this going eons ago!  Once you get the momentum going, everything will come sailing in.  Be a "doer" and commit yourself, once you accomplish each task, you naturally feel more productive and enriched.

When you want it bad enough you can conceive the possibility, and you will make it happen.  This empowers you and work as a wonderful reminder of what gets you going.   When you visualize the end in mind, you have a goal to aim towards and that is the key motivation. 

We have all been down and out before and it's easy to blame circumstances on others.  I am here to tel you to take ownership and remember everything that you put out will always come back to you. 
So stand ground even if everyone else finds it easier to just quit and you keep on persevering, that is true strength.

I get my inspiration from The Secret and The Power by Rhonda Brynes.  I truly believe in the message that she is trying to convey.  I admit that I do get side track but that is life, you take matters into your own hands and take control of it.  We must not be so hard on ourselves but we also keep our head up and keep expecting best for and from ourselves.  We are completely responsible for everything we put into our life. Take ownership and own up to our mistakes.

 More in depth, try reading Secrets of the Secret

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