Breakfast - Poached Egg over Spinach Sandwich

I LOVE breakfast.  It's my favorite meal of the day and I am not even an early bird.  Something about the golden ooze into crispy buttered hash browns makes my palate squeal for joy.  The best part it that it is so easy.  I am, in a way, a traditional cook.  I don't measure for the life of me.  In fact my motto is, if it taste great, enjoy every morsel.  If it taste horrible, you will never have to eat it again.  My husband is still on my case of making this amazing lamb stew that I can no longer replicate.  But I do know that he will always remember each savory bite.

My husband, roomie and I are foodies and aspiring epicures.  From breakfast to dinners and snacks, we like to go all out and experiment the fundamentals and pleasures of eating and cooking.  This morning I made breakfast in 5 minutes and everything was in my pantry.

Ingredients for 1 serving:

1 egg
1 English muffin
1 wedge of Laughing Cow Cheese
Handful of baby spinch
Salt and Pepper to taste.

First you boil water for the egg and just put a teaspoon of white vinegar.   Once the water is boiled, gently crack open the egg and let it poach.  While the egg is poach, you can just put the spinach in the water.  You can use a slotted spoon to take out the spinach so you can strain the water.  Toast the English muffin and spread laughing cow cheese one it, then pile on the spinach.  The egg should be done by now and you put it on top of the spinach.  Crackle some salt and pepper and voila, breakfast is served!  So try this recipe and let me know what did you tweaked to make it better
