Pinterest - Something to pique your interest

I am obsessed with this website,  My dear friend found it and now I am addicted.  Simply said this is a virtual vision board.  Well, at least I am using it that way.  I can spend hours just pinning down any pictures that inspires home project, outfits, cooking ideas or simply like looking at.  It seriously put my soul at ease and I feel so inspired even though in reality I am literally sitting on my butt! It is similar to Tumblr.

With all the images, you can also organize your boards according to category.  From Outfit of the Day to Tips and Tricks.  People can either select Like or they Repin it on their board.  Plus you can comment on it the images as well.  It is flexible and easy

So I encourage all of you guys to check it out Pinterest.  You have to be "invited" but it's simply, just put your email address and in a day they allow you to sign up.  Here are a few images, that just had me at hello...