Sunday, October 13, 2013

A Letter To My 16 Year Old Self

I was on Southwest on my way home for the holidays and stumble across this article, "A Letter to My Sixteen-Year-Old Self."  I quit my job for my 30th birthday and I pulled this stunt before for my quarter life crisis but that is another story.  So I found this article quite intriguing.  When I was 16, I was this insecure girl and thought the world was against me.  So as I pulled out my iPhone and start typing to my 16 year old self, everything just came through.  I start to realize how great my life is.  I mean, I am not exactly where I want to be, more importantly, I am truly grateful for how far I've came in a mere 15 years.  The reflection was remarkable and I strongly encourage all of you to try it out and see where it takes you.

What will you tell your 16 year old self?  Is it worth reflecting? 

Here is my letter:

Dear 16 year old Sandy,
Remember that boy you have been crushing on and wondering if he feels the same way for the past 3 years? Well, he does and loves you even more than you can ever imagine and  he married you and such an amazing husband. The resentment that you have with your parents for needing you help and keep you from being a "kid" will all dissipate because your mother is wise beyond her years and you will be able to empathize with her. Your dad loves you so much, he was broken as a child and is did everything he knows to provide for this family and kept us all together.

You will finally move out and passed the torch to Denny and he will make you so proud. He is able to get his own home and start his own life. He may struggle with his demons but looks up to you for guidance.  Alax will be a little arrogant but he has his reasons and will make you proud because he is absolutely witty and smart.  Gigi and you will finally get along and have more chutzpah than all three of you put together.  She find her own independence and living her own life.

You will grow more closer with the elders and they will look to you with respect and love beyond what you can ever fathomed. You get to be part of their intimate conversation and see you as their confident, be supportive and respectful to them because they always love you for who you are.  You're family is one of your greatest blessing.  Not only your cousins supports you in all the crazy mishaps that you leap towards, they will give you unconditional support.  All those crazy emails you send to them, will only get more insights into their lives and you will feel so blessed to have such honor to share a piece of your life with them.  Even though you moved out, they take a time out of their life to talk about you to their children and that is one of the best feelings in the world.
You will also meet your match and he understand that your not crazy and calls you out.  He will challenge, enlighten and inspire you where no one has before. He will prove to you that everyone deserves to fall in love deliriously and butterflies in your stomach is essential.     Remember your soul mate from 7th grade, she will come back into your life and feel the exact same way about you and you two will become each others rock. You can be outspoken with her and speak what is exactly on your minds without the other person thinking you're too arrogant and think you're better than everybody else.  You guys can just be you with each other.  She not only spoils that crap out of you and introduce things that you probably will not see in your lifetime but most importantly you're each other's personal cheerleader.  She will become your family and offers you your second home in Vegas.

You will also find another companion and that combines you and Duc together. He is always there for you and understands your needs. When your down he knows it and will go out of his way to make you feel better and more importantly he will turn your house into a home. You both will have unconditional support for one another. Most surprisingly, you will be spoiled by him and your husband.  You will understand even though all of us are struggling to put a stamp in this world, the loyalty created in this home is the greatest foundation.  Somehow life is good and money is not that important because you have great company and great times.

You know all those crazy movies you watch that gives you perspective in communication and love. Well, you will meet a real life couple that proves to you that ridiculous, inconvenient and adoring love does exist! And you have these two to look up, admire and aspire to be. They are such great role models and you guys will become such great friends.  Their stories that will inspire you, make you laugh and you can't wait to grow up to be just like them. The best part is, they adore you and Duc!
Even though you have been brainwashed to make as much money as possible, you will soon realize all the money in world cannot buy all the companionship, dedication, support and love that you and Duc have for each other. Because money can't make up for all the crap the both of you two went through.  Because of love, that is why you believe in sticking it out and really see a partner in life in one another.  Money is a bonus but to find a partner that is willing to tough anything out with you is priceless.  So marrying for love will pay off because he will make you laugh when you get mad, he will hold you tight when you get sad and most importantly he will show you love and kiss you on the forehead just because.

No more stressing about living up to other people's expectation. You will do just fine with the pathway you took. It may be a lot of ups and downs, tons of roadblock but all worth it because the experience, love and support. Keep pursuing your curiosity because even if it could possible be never fulfilled but that drive is what keeps you thirsty for more. You will have some of the best companionship that you can ever imagine and that's what they mean when the little things count. Simplicity is bliss and your husband will relentlessly remind you how to apply that to your beautiful life. Keep taking risk and grasping on each opportunity. There's more out there for you and will only astonish yourself more with the courage and perseverance to be the best and this time you know it is only for yourself.
I love u very much and trust me you will be more than just fine.
Love 31 year old Sandy

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