
We all need a little pick me up sometime and the Internet has bountiful of creativity and inspiration.  I treat this like my vision board as I surf the net everyday.   I make tons of mistakes and can't get things right , but we only live once. This blog is by me for me because sometimes I just need a lot of help for me to get through the day.   Hope you enjoy it and find some thing that holds dear to your heart.  Each image is link to the original website so you can see where I go find these pictures.

Something that I always keep in mind when I get mad at my love ones.

I cannot stress this enough because there always will be more than one person out there for you.  
For my drama queens...there is always a bigger fish out there

Something that I try to live by, it's simple enough

 To all those that will not settle

This is one of my go-to quote every morning to remind myself not to fall back on

Ready for new beginnings!!!